Sites Done Right - Factors Affecting the Positioning of a Well
/Beyond having a flat and dry spot that a rig can go into, several important factors affect the position of a well. Often, regulatory setbacks may affect these well positions too. In a recent article published in the Spring 2020 edition of Ground Water Canada, Ken Hugo (a senior hydrologist at Solstice Environmental Management) and Tyler Crawford (a co-owner of Aaron Drilling Ltd ) outline these factors to be considered before positioning a well. The authors list well accessibility, distance to source of contamination, presence of other nearby supply wells, and future changes to surface drainage characteristics as important factors affecting the siting of wells. A full version of this article can be found here. It is important to follow regulatory guidelines in addition to best practices outlined by the authors before the decision to drill a well at any site is made.
Sites done right: beyond the provincial/national regulations, several factors affect the positioning of a well.