Press Conference at the Solstice Building
/Solstice was excited to host Minister Deron Bilous at our office when he announced a CARE grant for the Alberta Women Entrepreneurs at the Solstice building. Read Michelle’s statement about the impact Alberta Women Entrepreneurs has had on her business.
"Solstice Canada is a company of scientists and innovators that help industry, business and government address soil and water contamination. We help our clients strike the balance between doing what’s right for the environment and what’s right for their business or organization. This past year we celebrated 14 years of business in Alberta.
I was fortunate to be a member of the AWE PeerSpark program for the past year, and I am currently a member of the PeerSpark Alumni program. Through my involvement with AWE, Solstice Canada has received support and mentorship from AWE’s amazing network of staff, instructors, sponsors, and perhaps most importantly, the other like-minded business women that make up the PeerSpark program.
The support and mentorship provided by the PeerSpark program encouraged Solstice Canada to move beyond our borders and explore the United States, and most recently China as a part of the Alberta Trade Mission this past November.
We have already received a positive response from the U.S. marketplace for our environmental sensitivity mapping expertise, which is one of Solstice’s unique products and points of differentiation. We are actively building new relationships and networks in China, offering our expertise in clean technologies. We are excited to head back to Beijing with Minister Bilous’ team later this month to pursue additional opportunities at the China International Petroleum Exhibition.
My warmest congratulations to AWE on receiving the CARE grant, and for continuing to support women’s progress in business and industry in Alberta. "
Listen to the whole press conference for new support for Alberta’s Women Entrepreneurs
Michelle Cotton & Solstice Canada were also featured on CTV on a segment about female entrepreneurs!